Dynamically Adjust Word Representations Using Unaligned Multimodal Information, J Guo, J Tang, W Dai, Y Ding, W Kong, Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2022). [Paper]
Thermal-Inertial SLAM for the Environments With Challenging Illumination, J Jiang, X Chen, W Dai, Z Gao, Y Zhang, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. [Paper]
A Multi-spectral Dataset for Evaluating Motion Estimation Systems W Dai, Y Zhang, S Chen, D Sun, D Kong, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). [Paper] [HomePage]
Direct Near-Infrared-Depth Visual SLAM with Active Lighting, D Kong, Y Zhang, W Dai, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. [Paper]
“RGB-D SLAM in Dynamic Environments Using Point Correlations”, W Dai, Y Zhang, P Li, Z Fang, S Scherer, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. [Paper], highly cited paper 2022
“Multi-Spectral Visual Odometry without Explicit Stereo Matching”, W Dai, Y Zhang, D Sun, N Hovakimyan, P Li, International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV2019). [Paper]
“Control Design for an Aerial Manipulator toward Payloads Pick-and-Place”, D Sun, N Wan, W Dai, Y Zhang, N Hovakimyan, AIAA SciTech 2019. [Paper]